What is a BBW? A BBW is a Big Beautiful Woman. Big means heavy. Large. Overweight. You get the drift.
You might be surprised to learn that you’re not the only one into BBWs. There are plenty of guys out there who like women who are overweight. We’re not just talking about a woman with a little meat on her bones; no, those are just curvy women. What we’re talking about is women who are large and in charge—the kind of woman who isn’t afraid to pack on the pounds.
The world has changed, and there’s no one stereotype for what we think of as the perfect body. The ideal body belongs to the person you fall in love with. It couldn’t be any more simple than that. There’s nothing to feel guilty about if you’re a lover of big women; if anything, today is your day to celebrate. Celebrate because, in today’s world, you’re allowed to fall in love with anyone you want to.
The Evolution of Beauty Standards
No longer do people want the standard cookie-cutter woman. You know, the woman who is paper thin and looks like every other woman. People today are allowed to be themselves, and that’s a cause to stand behind.
Back when your grandparents were dating, your grandma had to starve herself and try to fit in. She had to wear the same clothes as everyone else, smoke the same cigarettes, and not deviate at all from the script. Most men these days don’t want a woman who is a copy of every other woman out there.
The reasons why beauty standards have evolved are complex, and most of them can be linked back to the women’s rights movement. Women today don’t want men, or even women for that matter, to judge them based on their appearance. A guy can be fat; why not a woman? They can, and in today’s world, not only can women be fat, but they can be appreciated for all of their beauty as well.
Embracing Body Positivity
When did the tides turn and things change for women when it comes to not being ashamed of their bodies? It’s hard to say an exact time. Most historians would point to the 1960s as a turning point. No one would ever say that the 1950s or before were anything other than stereotypical.
If a woman was too thin a few hundred years ago, people would’ve thought they were sick with a disease. It wasn’t until the 1900s that the boyish figure of a lady became popular. After that, how we perceived beauty changed. The problem is women’s bodies didn’t change, and that posed a big problem.
If you haven’t noticed, very few women look like Barbie. If you look at any of the fashion websites, most of them show stick-figure women who don’t represent today’s women. People look to these women to set a standard, but in reality, today’s woman sets her own.
A woman must love who she is and not how she wishes people would perceive her. You’ll never look like a twiggy supermodel if you’re a stocky woman. There’s nothing you can do to change it, and the only thing you can do is appreciate you for who you are.
The good news is guys all over the globe are finally waking up and enjoying women, yes, even BBWs, for what they really are. It’s okay to love a woman who doesn’t fit the so-called mainstream view of beauty. You’re not less of a person because the type of women that get your motor purring are big and beautiful.
Celebrating Curves in Dating
Let’s be honest, your dating life is, well, your life. No one has the right to choose who you date. So what if you’re into women who are large and in charge? It’s time we all ditch those stigmas surrounding big women because it hurts all of us. It doesn’t only hurt the women, but it also devastates the guys who can’t get enough of them.
There’s something about the allure of a big woman who is proud of it. She’s the type of woman who doesn’t allow anyone to get in her way. She’s a square peg that will never allow anyone to make her round, even if it means fitting in with everyone else.
What BBW lovers understand is these women are true to themselves. It’s not about gorging yourself silly on all kinds of food; it’s about making sure they get to live the lives they want. No one should feel like they’re in a prison being held captive by old ways of thinking.
The reason why men are attracted to big reason isn’t what many people think. It’s not just because there’s more to love; no, that’s way too simple. The real reason is that men love the personality of bigger women. They like knowing they’re dating someone who is down to earth and has at least one toe dipped into reality.
Finding Lasting Connections
Look, there are two ways people hook up today: by meeting random strangers and using online dating. People are different these days, and they no longer chat with each other in public. No one talks to each other while they’re feeling up the melons at the supermarket. Your grandparents did; people today don’t.
The best place that you can look for BBWs is at dating sites. Most BBW dating sites have a feature where you can put in what body type you’re looking for. That works, but some guys want to join a dating site focusing solely on BBWs. If you’re one of those guys, you understand the value of not beating around the bush and going straight for what you want.
Online Dating and BBW Individuals
As mentioned, the internet is the way to go if you are serious about dating a BBW. Sure, you can scour the entire world for big women while you’re out, but that’s not an effective way of finding someone to date. What are you going to do? Spend all your waking minutes going around town looking for women who fit your ideal body type? Then what are you going to do? Surely, you aren’t going to be able to talk to all of them.
The internet and its advanced search features make it possible for you to zero in on exactly the type of woman you’re looking for. Maybe big brunette women are your thing; if so, you can easily find them without doing much work.
It might take a little trial and error to see which dating sites that you prefer. You might prefer dating sites that cater to BBW lovers, while some of you might find more success using dating sites that are geared toward everyone. Each dating site has its own unique clientele, and you need to test the waters and see if the women there are the type you want to date.
Overcoming Challenges
Not everyone is going to be happy you’re dating a BBW. Your parents, friends, or people at work might say things they shouldn’t. We all know what they say about fat people, most of whom are harsh. How do you deal with it? You can’t ignore it. That’s for sure.
If you’re a skinny guy, you’ll get plenty of looks when you and your BBW girlfriend are out on a date. People will stare, kids might ask questions, or some might even treat you differently. The reality of dating a BBW is that people will form opinions about what you’re doing, even if the two of you are happy.
So, how do you overcome the challenges of dating someone overweight? Well, the truth is, you’re going to have to deal with it. There’s nothing you can say that will make some people accept it. Some people will always look at your girlfriend and think negatively about her. That’s life, and if you try to make everyone understand your love of big women, you will waste your energy. It won’t happen.
The way you overcome the challenge of dating a BBW is to face the reality that some people aren’t going to be in favor of it. Some will make fun of you, they’ll say all kinds of stuff behind your back, and some will even say it to your face. Hopefully, after you’ve had a few dates under your belt, these people will see how serious you are, and they’ll leave you alone.
Breaking Down Barriers
Don’t let anyone stop you from loving who you’re attracted to. You should not date someone who looks like a skeleton if that’s not what you’re into. You need to understand that this is your life, and you’re the one who has to live it.
You’re in for a real treat if you’ve never dated a big woman. She will be more than what you ever expected, and you’ll love the fact that you’re free. Freedom in the dating world is so important because that’s where you find happiness. You’ll never be happy dating someone that you’re not attracted to.
Attraction is such a big part of dating and love in general. If you’re not attracted to someone, falling in love with them is almost impossible. You need to love all aspects of them; part of that is what they look like.
BBW dating is all about finding the woman you’ve been dreaming about. The woman who not only looks the way you want her to look but has that sassy attitude. The kind of attitude that only a big woman can have.
Don’t hesitate to contact a BBW the next time you visit a dating site. You might even consider joining a BBW dating site for those who love big women as much as you do. Don’t date someone because of who you think others want you to date; instead, date the people who make your heart flutter.
So, with that said, go out there and find the big, beautiful woman of your dreams. The best place to find her is online; they’re always just a click or a tap away. Who knows, if you begin looking today, you might be on your first date with a BBW by tomorrow.